The Cornerstone Institute Business Studies Department
Virtual Entrepreneurship Symposium 2021
The Virtual Entrepreneurship Symposium will be hosted by Cornerstone Institute Business Studies Department (Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Economic transformation)
The Objective of the Symposium is to foster dialogue between various sectors such as Academia, government, private and civil society as well as entrepreneurs and aspiring entrepreneurs. The post pandemic Entrepreneurship landscape is of great interest to the Department. The Department further aims to use these insights to drive certain aspects of its programmes such as its Bachelor of Commerce majoring in Entrepreneurship as well as its Higher Certificate in Business Studies.
This will be a Free Virtual Event and while its focus is on South African Entrepreneurs it aims to draw insights from the Global community from individuals with expertise in theory as well as practice.
The primary target audience will be students from various institutions, academics, small business owners, Entrepreneurs and aspiring entrepreneurs to mention a few. The Department will also embark on inviting key government stakeholders as part of the audience as well.
Entrepreneurship Pedagogies
Partnerships to drive Entrepreneurship
The role
of the Private sector and Civil Society in driving Entrepreneurship
how to drive Entrepreneurship from Students -a student’s perspective
platforms for Entrepreneurship growth and development
as a driver for Economic recovery
as it relates to the circular economy