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Theme: Higher Education in a changing world

How do shifting contexts influence our work in higher education, and how should we respond to them?

Higher Education in a changing world.

Accepting Papers From All Disciplines.

The African Journal of Non-Profit Higher Education (AJNPHE) publishes rigorous, peer-reviewed and open-access articles.

The AJNPHE focuses on cross- and interdisciplinary research relating to the not-for-profit sector of African higher education in particular, and of higher education in general.

The journal aims to advance an African voice in global scholarly discourses on educational theory and practice unique to the sector. Its mission is to strengthen non-profit higher education as a distinctive scholarly field in higher education studies. Therein the journal in particular (but not exclusively) aims to explore the intersecting themes of non-profit higher education, social justice and societal transformation.

The journal publishes high quality, peer reviewed (blind) research, using the open access model to increase the exchange of knowledge among and encourage collaboration between local South African, continental African, and international scholars elsewhere.

The journal will serve as and establish a new and unique record of scholarly activity in higher education scholarship hosted at Cornerstone Institute.

The categories of content published include research reports, articles, book reviews, interviews, editorials and conference proceedings, as well as others as may be required by content unique to a particular scholarly field and/or research programme.

Membership Applications in Process

  • Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)
  • Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE)
  • DHET Accreditation

Journal Editor

Dr Marianne Louw
Email: journal@cornerstone.ac.za

Journal Manager

Ms Emily Vosloo

Journal Editorial Board: In Process

Cornerstone Institute
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