Name: Tariro
Surname: Namawa
Gender: Female
Age: 25/12/1997
Nationality: Zimbabwen
Home Language: Shon
Programme: BA Psychology
Start Year: 2017
Previous School: Silikamva High School
My name is Tariro Bianca Namawa. I am 20 years old. I grew up in Zimbabwe and I am the last born in a family of two. My parents divorced when I was two years and I was raised by a single mother. My father passed away in 2016.
There are many challenges that I encountered when I was in Zimbabwe which includes: the struggle to pay for my school fees and a roof to put over my head.
I have learned that nothing comes on a silver platter, in order to achieve a certain goal one needs to work. Secondly, don’t expect too much from people especially empathy and sympathy because you will end up disappointed. Lastly, don’t give up no matter how bad your situation is when you’re tired it is better to rest than to give up. Keep going and never lose hope.
I need the support to pay for my studies because I cannot afford to and at the moment my mother is unemployed. However, even the time she was employed the money was not enough to sustain us. I also need the money to pay for my studies because I am a hardworking person, a goal getter, I persevere, I am smart, intelligent and humble. Hence it would not be a waste of time to invest in me.
I chose to study Psychology because I have the passion for it. I am curious to learn how the human mind works. I love helping people.
If I had the opportunity to change the world, I would start by empowering girls because I feel like there’s no gender equality in the world even though people claim that there is.