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Sport has the power to inspire unity and patriotism. It also has the power to transform individuals and communities for the better.
On the panel for the coming episode of the Cornerstone Critical Dialogues, we will discuss exactly how this is happening in various spaces.
Joining host Dani Petersen, standing in for Ryan Fortune in the Bush Radio Studio on Thursday evening will be Ally Dixon of PlaySport4Life (PS4L), a non-profit organisation based in Cape Town with the mission of improving the lives and well-being of disadvantaged communities by promoting a passion for sport; Danny Jones, General Manager of Western Province Rugby; David van Schalkwyk, an avid golfer; and Traigh Pathon, David’s 11-year-old son and also a promising golfer.
Ally Dixon
CEO, PlaySport4Life
Ally Dixon became involved with PS4L during lockdown last year when her events company came to an abrupt standstill due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
During the hard lockdown, Ally had loads of free time on her hands and soon became involved with community projects. Dixon says when she was asked to become part of PS4L she didn’t hesitate to say yes.
“Miles October, founder of Play Sport 4 Life, asked me to consider becoming part of the leadership team of PS4L and, naturally, I grabbed the opportunity.”
Dixon says she is ready for her new role.
“Our aim is to help individuals who show up for themselves, to develop ideas that allow them to become meaningful contributors to society as well as the economy. We have a very exciting initiative starting in the near future that includes a marginalised group of people who, against all odds, are now going to become economically active because they have chosen to show up for themselves and allowed us to partner with them.”
David van Schalkwyk
Golfer, father of Traigh Pathon
David van Schalkwyk, may or may not have played soccer at a serious level once upon a time – we don’t know this for sure – but one fine, beautiful day, what we do know is Tiara Pathon came along and stole his heart right from under his nose! These two have been inextricably linked by marriage since, and one cannot mention the one without the other or without their five beautiful children Ammaarah, Bilquis, Tara, Emma and Traigh!
Tiara, is a dynamic, digital skills enablement professional and the founder of Dress for Success, a non-profit organisation that helps disadvantaged women prepare professionally for the workplace and David, Dad, mentor and caddie to their prodigiously gifted golfing son Traigh, wouldn’t have it any other way. Nothing prepares you for parenthood, but a tip or two from this inspirational couple could give you that head start and a winning parenting resumé!
Full-time Dad and husband David shared this sage advice when interviewed by Parent24’s columnist Lesley-Anne Johannes back in 2018, “Nurture their talent and support them to be the best they can be. If it’s forced they will lose interest, so keep it fun and make sure they are enjoying it. Emotionally it can take a toll, so positivity is key. We’re lucky with golf that today’s great golfers don’t always win every competition, and we watch all the golf tournaments to show Traigh how important every shot is and how it can make a difference.”
We are happy to share this great article here!
Traigh Pathon
11-year-old golfer
Born to wonderful parents David and Tiara, Traigh, is the youngest child and only brother to four older sisters! Growing up on the Cape Flats, this gifted young golfer’s dad, David was the first to spot his son’s prodigious potential at only 1 ½ years of age! A member of the Royal Cape Golf Course in Wynberg, Traigh already has a staggering collection of silverware with wins in South Africa, Africa and internationally. He looks set accumulate even more, having just received his Western Province jacket recently…#Proud!
For now, this 11-year-old prodigy enjoys being little brother to Ammaarah, Bilquis, Tara and Emma and playing his weekly round of 9 holes. We will be seeing him breaking records again soon as borders open, locally and internationally, with caddie, mentor and Dad David by his side and proud mom Tiara and big sisters with them of course, in spirit or person, every step of the way!
Danny Jones
General Manager, Western Province Rugby
Danny Jones is a man of few words. When pressed to share the story of his journey to Western Province Rugby, his quick reluctance tells you he’s a man who prefers to let those, who play this highly prized, nationally adored sport of rugby, enjoy the limelight instead. What does come through crystal clear, and without much prodding, is that he is a very, very proud Dad. The General Manager of Western Province Rugby will be one of our special guests this week to discuss ‘Sport and the National Psyche’, we can’t think of a more perfect guest to help kick it off!