Birthday: 8/31/1993 (Age 24)

Nationality: South African

Home Language: English

Programme: BPsych Equivalent

Start Year: 2017

Previous School: University of the Western Cape

Local City: Mitchells Plain


My name is Roxanne. I’m enrolled in the psych department at Cornerstone because I’m looking to grow my professional skill set, and ultimately become a registered social counsellor. I like to say that the Psych programme at Cornerstone chose me because of how perfect a fit it has been. The programme’s emphasis on responsible service resonates exactly with what I am looking to achieve: bringing healing to people in a troubled community.

The programme has challenged me to think in ways I did not before. It’s pushed me out of my comfort zone and opened professional doors for me that I couldn’t have dreamed of before. I can already see myself evolving into the health professional I aspire to be.

One day I hope to open up my own practice in the Cape Flats. I’ve seen the dangers and pressures involved in living among different levels of socioeconomic status, and I want to serve in a community that in my opinion is ready for some healing.  The learning and opportunities that have become available to this degree are helping me achieve my dreams of working towards the greater good.

Cornerstone Institute
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