Our Departments

Explore below to discover some of our department's webpage offerings.

Media Studies

The major in Media Studies is designed to help students develop the analytical, critical and creative communication skills required to engage meaningfully with a wide range of media.


Are you intrigued by the inner workings of the human mind? Do you want to be able to influence behaviour in a way that brings about positive change?

Theology & Ethics

Is the relationship between leadership and integrity important to you? Have you been called to bring about change through the Gospel, whether in church, in the marketplace or in society as a whole?

Business Studies

Do you value the pursuit of global excellence in business practices, the provision of outstanding support for students and stakeholders alike, and the steadfast adherence to ethical integrity in all endeavors?

Sociology & Community Development

Are you passionate about community upliftment and development? Do you want to tackle issues of poverty, globalisation or conflict?


Nelson Mandela once proclaimed that education is the ultimate catalyst for global change. Ready to teach or pivot your career? Why not travel, earn, and make a difference worldwide?

Cornerstone Institute
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