Module Descriptions

Higher Certificate in Christian Ministry (NQF5)

For a description of each module, see Module Descriptions below

Core Curriculum

The Higher Certificate in Christian Ministry has a minimum duration of one year and a maximum completion period of three years, involving a total of 124 credits. The program is delivered through in-person contact sessions.

Study Year 1 of 1 (NQF 5)

This module develops the skills needed for successful tertiary study, particularly listening and reading for comprehension, critical thinking in sourcing and evaluating academic material, structuring academic papers, writing clearly and logically, and referencing sources used. Students develop these essential skills through readings and talks and practise them in a supportive environment with detailed feedback. 

Through this module, students will learn to use a computer for emails, internet, word processing, spreadsheet development and electronic presentation suites. This will enable students to access the Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) known as Funda, which is used by Cornerstone for communication with lecturers and administrative purposes, as well as research and submission of assignments.

This module provides students with training in how to develop and design life skills programmes, psycho-educational training and individual counselling interventions. This module provides an understanding of persons, ideas and principles in the sphere of human behaviour and examines how to manage structured psycho-educational activities in personal and group interventions and how to evaluate their success.

The first half of this module is designed to introduce the student to the nature, purpose and interpretative process related to the Scriptures. Attention is given to the historical backdrop of the Old and New Testaments, and to the development of the biblical canon (Jewish, Protestant and Catholic). Tracing the narrative trajectory of the Bible, this module is designed to equip students with a basic skill set necessary for the artful and faithful interpretation of the biblical text both within the church and public space.
In the second half of this module, students are introduced to the scope of the New Testament, as the testimony of the early Church, concerning the crucified and resurrected Jesus. The module follows the canonical order of the New Testament. Attention is given to historical background, interpretive issues related to literary genre, and to the theology and narrative integrity of the New Testament.

Laying a foundation for a theology of mission by tracing the biblical (creation to Israel, Israel to Christ, and Christ to the eschaton) and theological (key movements and paradigms) trajectory of mission, this module seeks to develop an understanding of the nature and task of world evangelisation and mission. This foundation informs a more detailed engagement with Urban Mission, by introducing the theory and practice (locally and globally) of urban mission. And with special attention given to urban mission in cross-cultural contexts, students are also introduced to some important tools from the social sciences.

This module is designed to introduce students to the concept of integration and its implications both for Christian faith and praxis, and for the relationship between the disciplines of theology, psychology, and community development. The module frames these disciplines within their respective branches of knowledge, inviting students to consider how each discipline operates within a particular worldview. Students explore the necessity of moving from a compartmentalised understanding of their faith and vocation to thinking and living in ways that reflect integration between their faith life and their work life.

The purpose of this module is to introduce students to a foundation for conflict management that will guide community leaders in responding to interpersonal conflict. Students are introduced to the theory and practice of conflict mediation, equipping them with specific communication skills to enhance their relationships (interpersonal and intrapersonal). Students explore personal attitudes and approaches to conflict. This module makes use of case studies to assist students to reflect on the strategies, tactics and approaches used during conflict situations and emphasises the link between foundational beliefs, communication, behaviour and conflict.

This module offers a comprehensive understanding of leadership from various theoretical perspectives, aiming to empower individuals for effective leadership in various contexts, particularly within South African and African settings. It delves into transformative leadership theory and practice, fostering personal and character growth. Additionally, the module introduces students to conflict resolution theory and practice, imparting essential communication skills to enrich inter-group and interpersonal relationships. Students gain insights into their conflict attitudes, self-reflect on approaches, and explore diverse conflict types through case studies. The module underscores the interconnectedness of communication, behaviour, and conflict, with a focal point on reconciliation strategies, enriching the learning experience.

This module is designed to help the student build an ethical framework that considers a holistic understanding of the human person (head, heart and hands). Students are exposed to ethical theories that enable them to reflect on ways in which to respond to current moral, intellectual and social questions. Students work to integrate ethical theory into their experience of life and explore how this contributes to the good of the world.

The student will do fieldwork in an area of Christian Ministry as an extension of the academic programme. Fieldwork is a multidisciplinary application of what has been learned theoretically. It measures the practical capabilities of the student within a field or sphere of learning.

In this module focus is given to tracing the scope of the Old Testament, as a shared testimony, concerning its central character, Yahweh. The module follows the ordering of the Hebrew Bible. The first part of the module gives particular attention to the Torah and Early Prophets. The second half of the module traces out the meaning and theological significance of the remaining books of the Old Testament, giving particular attention to Israel’s counter-testimony as recounted in the Latter Prophets and Writings. Attention is given throughout to historical background, interpretive issues related to literary genre, and to the theological frame and narrative integrity of the Old Testament.

This module is designed to introduce the student to the methodology and discourse of both systematic and practical theology and provide a framework within which to make sense of these disciplines, how they overlap and intersect, what specific angles of vision they offer the church in its engagement, theologically and practically, with the world. Special attention is given to the relationship between theology and its cultural contexts, particularly within a South African context.

Cornerstone Institute
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