The Department of Psychology at Cornerstone Institute is dedicated to shaping compassionate, skilled professionals who will influence the future of mental health in South Africa and beyond. Our vision is to advance human dignity and social justice for all through psychological knowledge and practice. We pursue this vision through an integrative teaching approach that fosters critical engagement, innovation, and research, generating knowledge that benefits humanity.
Our work is guided by six core values: Respect, Integrity, Excellence, Unity, Creativity, and Inclusivity. These values underpin not only our academic pursuits but also our approach to mental health advocacy and community engagement. We believe in the transformative power of psychology to address societal challenges and promote individual and community well-being.
Cornerstone Institute is fully accredited by the Department of Higher Education and Training and the Council on Higher Education. Our non-profit status (NPC registration number 2004/025078/08) underscores our dedication to serving the greater good. We're not just educating psychologists; we're nurturing visionaries who will lead the charge in promoting mental health, social justice, and human dignity.
As the renowned psychologist and Holocaust survivor Viktor E. Frankl once said:
"Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom."
This profound insight encapsulates our belief in the power of psychology to foster personal growth, societal change, and human dignity—principles that are at the core of our educational mission.